Collins Powell`s "James Bond"

Written by Arthur Zulu

Continued from page 1

Nowrepparttar game is over for Saddam Hussein. We are going to war. Do not think ofrepparttar 126047 effect ofrepparttar 126048 war onrepparttar 126049 world economy. After all, Iraq has some ofrepparttar 126050 world's finest oil. When we winrepparttar 126051 war, we would install our own Governor - General and take charge ofrepparttar 126052 oil. You can imaginerepparttar 126053 rest ofrepparttar 126054 story.

Do not think ofrepparttar 126055 humanitarian cost. For Saddam has always gassed his own people to death. So, what if a few Iraqis die forrepparttar 126056 salvation ofrepparttar 126057 many. Regardingrepparttar 126058 soldiers that would die in battle, never mind about that. For they would have beautiful memorial tombs erected for them .Andrepparttar 126059 sons ofrepparttar 126060 war planners would lay wreaths on them, and write their epitaghs. Some would take Charles Dickens book A TALE OF TWO CITIES with them torepparttar 126061 grave yard, and copyrepparttar 126062 opening lines: "It was a summer of hope. It was a winter of despair".

When Charles Dickens wrote A TALE OF TWO CITIES, however, he was not thinking ofrepparttar 126063 war on terror. Or wepunmassdistrucshun. But inrepparttar 126064 world of James Bond, anything goes.


We are ready to attack Iraq. The spy planes have done their work and we know just where to strike. So we advance with guns and bombs throughrepparttar 126065 torturous Iraqi desert terrain. We kill and maim as we go, andrepparttar 126066 enemy decimates our soldiers, too. And werepparttar 126067 surviving soldiers press on, ever wearing our masks. Because this "mad" man that rules this evil empire could use anything on us - including chemicals and biological weapons. But alas - after allrepparttar 126068 hazards, we win and disarm Iraq.


We celebrate our victory. The world will be a better place to live now without dangerous weapons inrepparttar 126069 hands of this evil country. Israel has these weapons too, but that country is better behaved. Besides, they are God's chosen people.

The newly appointed Governor-General has just inspected his guard-of-honor, and is telling Iraqis how different this new democratic, liberal regime will be. Forrepparttar 126070 people will now enjoy total freedom and life will be more abundant.

We hear many wonderful Arabian Night stories. It was told of a poor Arab cattle rearer who bought a field to graze his livestock. But unbeknownst to him,repparttar 126071 field was laid with gold. And this poor shepherd now became a fabulously rich sheikh ever after.

The story strikes a semblance to our adventure. Because after we have buried thousands of our dead soldiers, and laid beautiful wreaths on their tombs, we retire to reflect onrepparttar 126072 success of our mission. Suddenly, we find ourselves, champagne in hand, floating on top of fine-grade Iraqi oil; watching Saddam Hussein hanging on a 1000-foot high pole and listening to a musical composition of Collins Powell. And it happens to berepparttar 126073 musical rendition ofrepparttar 126074 poem, PARADISE REGAINED byrepparttar 126075 blind poet, John Milton.It was then that I realizedrepparttar 126076 vision of Collins Powell, and I rememberedrepparttar 126077 JAMES BOND story atrepparttar 126078 UN.


ARTHUR ZULU. The Most Controversial Writer inrepparttar 126079 World isrepparttar 126080 author ofrepparttar 126081 best -selling book HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER. For your copy and FREE excerpt, click on: For contact, mailto:

ARTHUR ZULU. The Most Controversial Writer in the World is the author of the best -selling book HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER.

Turkish court denies 1000 european plaintiffs the lawsuit +++ German politicans Guido Westerwelle and Roland Koch helps the european citizens

Written by Dieter Kohler , Vice president IGDD

Continued from page 1

Alsorepparttar EU Extension Commission takesrepparttar 126046 case very seriously. The EU Extension Commission urgently referred torepparttar 126047 necessity forrepparttar 126048 protection ofrepparttar 126049 owners and referred to necessary right-national proceeding in this case. Evenly that right-nationalness forrepparttar 126050 examination ofrepparttar 126051 legal standard ofrepparttar 126052 expropriation refuses Turkey now torepparttar 126053 plaintiffs. Already on December 9th 2002 a Petition torepparttar 126054 European Union committee on petitions was submitted byrepparttar 126055 executive committees ofrepparttar 126056 IGDD. Meanwhile already approximately 3,000 citizens with domicile in European Union countries followedrepparttar 126057 Petition withrepparttar 126058 European Union number 1577/2002. Their signatures will be presented torepparttar 126059 European Union petitions committee soon byrepparttar 126060 IGDD. How internationalrepparttar 126061 protest against this scandal is, shows up inrepparttar 126062 fact that people of 25 different nationalities followedrepparttar 126063 Petition. Press requests should be adresses to :

Dieter Kohler Vice president IGDD e-mail :


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